Why is it important to take Vitamin D3 & K2

Vitamin K2 maximises Vitamin D3 absorption

More often that not, client blood test results (including my own), have reported low levels in Vitamin D3, so I wanted to bring more light to this essential nutrient, but how by combining Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2 increases its benefits in the body.

It is easy to become deficient in Vitamin D3 especially in the wintertime when there isn’t as much sunlight; as many of know Vitamin D3 comes from mostly sunlight and fatty-animal sourced foods. I should note here that Vitamin D2 comes from plants, also an essential nutrient that we need.

Vitamin D3 is essential for regulating the absorption of Calcium and Phosphorus in the body, and facilitating the immune system to function properly, in addition to the growth and development of strong healthy bones.

Vitamin D3 is also strongly linked to regulating mood and reducing depression. According to a study, 7,534 people found that those experiencing negative emotions who received vitamin D supplements noticed an improvement in symptoms.

However, scientific attention has been drawn to the beneficial affects from Vitamin D3 combined with Vitamin K2. While Vitamin D3 absorbs Calcium into the body, Vitamin K2 allocates where the Calcium can be used, almost like a transportation device for the Vitamin D . . .clever!

Studies have suggested that taking these two vitamins together can reduce the effects of diseases such as Osteoporosis.

Foods containing Vitamin K2:

  • eggs

  • kale

  • edamame

  • broccoli

  • collard greens

  • brussels sprouts

If you would like to have a check-in on your body, you can start with a blood test privately through Body Reset (private blood tests and interpretation). You can find more information via this link: https://www.bodyreset.je/blood-tests


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