Protein & Exercise for Insulin Sensitivity

Whey Protein Smoothie

Glucose is also known as blood sugar. The body’s system must function properly. It often goes unnoticed when our glucose levels are at their best. When the level of glucose is high then you can feel the unhealthy functioning effects.

So, what exactly is glucose? It is a monosaccharide the simplest form of carbohydrates. This indicates that it has only one sugar. Fructose, galactose, and ribose are examples of monosaccharides.

It is one of the body’s preferred sources of fuel (in the form of carbohydrates and fats) because when we can too much glucose in our blood levels it can be dangerous and lead to diseases such as diabetes type 2.

 Energy is required by every cell in the human body. It is to carry out the metabolic functions that keep us alive. Glucose is a tiny, simple sugar that is used as a key source of energy for the brain, muscles, and a variety of other organs and tissues in the body.

How do our body’s lower blood glucose levels?

  • To lower blood glucose levels the body releases insulin. Insulin helps to move glucose out of your bloodstream and into cells. Your cells use some of that sugar for energy and then store any leftover sugar in your fat, muscles, and liver for later. Once the sugar moves into your cells, your blood glucose level should go back to normal. If insulin is still present in blood stream for more than 2 hours, it can lead to health consequences such as diabetes 2.

  • Another way  to reduce blood sugar glucose levels is through exercise, because muscle contractions uses up glucose.

Carbohydrates increase blood sugar more than proteins or fats. Blood sugar levels remain more stable among individuals who consume a higher protein diet and engage in enough vigorous exercise to reach gluconeogenesis (glucose made from non-carb substrates such as protein) rather than relying on food intake or the liver for glycogen. Our body’s use tight mechanisms to maintain correct glucose levels. So in simple terms we can create our own, slower releasing energy or glucose from eating more protein, in addition exercise also helps to reduce blood glucose levels especially after eating !

These are two simple ways to improve stable blood glucose levels in the body…more protein and exercise!


Please email if you’d like help with your own training and protein forward diet programme.


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