Muscle as Medicine
You have the right to build your body armour (skeletal muscle) that will help protect you for the rest of your life!
My approach to training prioritises MUSCLE AS MEDICINE and training as mandatory.
Eating protein alone will not stimulate muscle protein synthesis that your body needs, we need to stress our muscles with a workout programme that prioritises disease prevention, building strong, lean muscle tissue and overall good health.
By recognising muscle as the organ for longevity provides a clear and simple message, that we need to move and use our muscles. I quote Dr Lyon, "movement is as important as brushing your teeth", so using our muscles needs to be a daily ritual whether it be a brisk walk, swimming or a strength training session.
We all know that achy feeling of sitting in a chair for too long on a plane or at a desk, it is our body's way of telling us that it wants to move because it wasn't designed to sit down all day.
Without exercise, muscle glycogen (stored glucose in the muscles) over spills from the muscles tissue, like an overpacked suitcase. Whereas when we exercise our body's use our stored muscle glycogen (glycogen is a preferred fuel source during high-intensity exercise).
Testosterone, growth hormone and essential amino acids all directly contribute to skeletal muscle and muscle growth. Exercise stimulates these growth affects.
As we age, testosterone and growth hormones decline leaving lifestyle exercise as the only natural way to increase and maintain previous levels (linking back to why we cannot eat protein alone to stimulate muscle protein synthesis).
The more muscle tissue you have, the healthier you are for old age!
Amino acids are the gas in the tank used during muscle contraction to build new muscle tissue, this is why eating the right amino acids for your body is essential to maintain and build healthy muscle mass.
So essentially, you want to be building your body of armour, being muscle, NOW to prepare for old age!