Electrolytes are tiny electrical communications in the body.
I am learning all about electrolytes this week as part of my Naturopathy qualification and thought I would share with you the fascinating concept around what electrolytes actually are. We hear the sentence ‘replace your electrolytes’ a lot and particularly after exercise, but what actually are electrolytes?
Electrolytes are a family of minerals including sodium, chloride, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Ecetrolytes conduct when dissolved in water. The electrical charge then works to effectively communicate nerve impulses that are key to brain function. This is why taking in adequate amounts of minerals and hydration is required for all essential chemical reactions to happen in the body.
Ways to get your electrolytes:
consume good quality sea salt (I get my sea salt from Jersey Sea Salt, offering a top quality product, rich in essential minerals including iodine)
drink unsweetened coconut water
consume organic dark leafy greens
eat bananas for potassium in particular