What is Blood made of?

Blood is made of four components…

  • Plasma: blood is made of liquid and solids. the liquid part is known as Plasma. Plasma consists of water, salts and protein. 55% of our blood is made of plasma.

  • The solid part of your blood contains Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells and Platelets.

  • Red Blood Cells (RBC) deliver oxygen from lungs to the body. RBC are made of Iron. 70% of the body’s Iron is found in the RBCs of your blood, also known as haemoglobin and in muscle cells called myoglobin. 40 % - 45% of blood is made up of RBC.

  • White Blood Cells (WBC) fight infection and play a role in our body’s immune system. WBC are produced in our bone marrow and make up just 1% of your blood. and though a small amount, this 1% of WBC is what our immunity depends on. When there are too many WBC, it usually suggests infection or inflammation in the body.

  • Platelets are small colourless cell fragments in your blood that form clots or prevent bleeding. If one of our blood cells get damaged, it sends out signals to the platelets. The platelets then rush to the site of damage and work to clot/fix the damage.

Body Reset Blood Tests

  • Body Reset blood tests offer 38 different markers including Thyroid markers, Vitamin D, B12, Folate, Liver function, Cholesterol markers, inflammation markers and many more.

  • Your blood test is through The Doctor’s Laboratory in London providing a professional, fast and efficient turn around. Your blood test results then go thorough interpretation and form the basis of your 3 month fat burning programme.

For more information on Body Reset blood tests and/or Fat Burning programmes, please email lucy@bodyreset.je


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