Hungry or Dehydrated?
How much water did you drink today?
The first thing I tell a client is to start with water. Water comes first and then we look at food. Getting hydration levels right from the beginning is essential for supporting health. A human can go without food for about three weeks, but without water would typically only last three or for four days according to studies.
Every cell in your body requires water, making up 68% of a total human’s body weight. It is essential for survival and without it, the body becomes dehydrated and will eventually shut down. Headaches, dizziness and fatigue are all symptoms of dehydration which are often mistaken for hunger.
Not only do we need water for general bodily functions but it is essential for weight management and healthy metabolism. When we drink water, the body has to expend energy to warm the fluid to body temperature, and the more energy expended by your body, the faster your metabolism runs. Drinking water also helps you to fill you up and studies show that drinking water half an hour before you eat can help you eat less.
Health experts recommend we drink 6 - 8 glasses of water today (drink cold water to boost the metabolism).
Try this. . .
start your morning with a cold glass of filtered water
drink a glass of cold water half hour before each meal
try drinking only cold water between meals
end your day with a cold glass of filtered water
*I use a Berkey Water Filter; easy to transport water filter system that removes harmful toxins, while at the same time leaving in the essential minerals for the body.