Get Leaner, Stronger and Healthier

Change your body composition and boost your lifestyle eating foods that your body actually needs combined with strength training.

My approach

A bespoke strength training programme coupled with nutrition support, to build lean muscle mass, reduce body fat and improve your metabolism.

It’s not about restricting food, nor taking supplements but about eating more protein and exercising to kick start your body’s metabolism machine!


Fad diets don’t work

They are based on reducing food, which in the short will cause weight loss, but it’s not sustainable, nor sufficient to fuel your workouts, and will more than likely, result in weight gain.

Skeletal Muscle

We need to be lifting weights, essentially stressing the muscle to stimulate bone and muscle growth, combined with a high protein diet, designed around carefully balanced macronutrients that will turn that protein into muscle that will keep you strong, healthy and energised.

My Strategy

  • Consultation

    Together we discuss your needs and goals

  • Design a Programme

    We agree a plan and set new standards for you to follow inline with your personal gaols and commitments

  • Education

    You’ll have a clear plan, new healthy habits and education about what works for your body for the long term

  • Body Composition Scales

    Your progress can be tracked via Body Compositions Scales to make tracking easy and factual

“I always had puffy ankles, puffy knees…my first few steps down the stairs I used to go one step at a time…now it is fine, I jump out of bed and run down the stairs.”

— my client who lost over 2 Stone in just 3 months

What Clients are saying after the programme ?

“Being on the programme has changed everything.

The weight came off easily but I did have concerns that I might put it on again . . . but three months on I’m still at my target weight, still eating healthily and it’s just become a way of life.

It’s so easy to maintain and I feel so much better, I’ve no concerns at all now. I’ve relaxed a lot but still keep to the basic principles…and it seems to keep me at a steady weight, full of energy and with a balanced mood.

I’d recommend this way of life!”

— my client who hit her pre-pregnancy weight goal 3 months in



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Get started with Body Reset today.